The following guide is catered for users who have some familiarity with Facebook Pixel.
The following guide is catered for users who have some familiarity with Facebook Pixel.
To learn more about Facebook Pixel, visit Facebook's guide here.
Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool for advertisers like yourself to understand the actions that your customers take on your Oddle website. It allows you to do the following:
Build advertising audiences
Ensure your ads are shown to the right audiences/people
Unlock additional Facebook advertising tools
1. Getting started checklist
Before you begin, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
1. Get a Facebook Ads Manager account if you do not have one.
2. Create a Facebook Pixel in your Facebook Ads Manager if you do not have one or use an existing pixel. For help on creating a Facebook Pixel ID, visit Facebook's documentation.
3. Note down your Facebook Pixel ID.
If your Facebook Pixel has been set up previously, you may find your Facebook Pixel ID by referring to the following steps:
1. Log into your Facebook and go to your Ads Manager Account.
2.Open the Navigation Bar and select Events Manager.
3. Copy your Pixel ID from underneath your Site Name and paste the number directly into the Link Manager setup tab.
2. Adding your Facebook Pixel ID
To install a Facebook Pixel on your Oddle Shop, you simply need to your add your Facebook Pixel ID. This change can be made in your Web Dashboard, Menu > menu name > Marketing.
To add your Facebook Pixel ID:
1. Under Shopping Cart Tracking > Facebook Pixel ID, paste your Facebook Pixel ID.
2. Click on Save.
To ensure that your Facebook Pixel ID is working correctly on your Oddle Shop, refer to this guide here by Facebook.
📌 If you have keyed in your Facebook Pixel ID under Shopping Cart Tracking,
you no longer need to paste all the event scripts from Facebook under
Custom Scripts. Installing the Pixel ID alone will automatically send the
events to your Pixel Dashboard.
3. Facebook Pixel standard events
When you use Oddle's built-in integration with Facebook Pixel, Oddle automatically tracks and sends actions that are done by a user to Facebook. These actions, or events can be used to help you track specific events, optimise your ads for conversion and help you build custom audiences. To learn more about Facebook's standard events, visit the Facebook's help centre here.
Oddle automatically sends the following 6 standard events to Facebook:
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