These changes can be made under Store > Store Name > Delivery Settings
Delivery setting changes made are only applicable to the store selected.
Always Save delivery setting changes made for the changes to be updated.
Delivery or delivery hour settings are prioritised in the following order:
Regular Hours
How to set regular delivery hours?
1. Click Add Hours to include delivery timings.
2. Choosing Available Days
Select the days which you can deliver to your customers.
Checked boxes means delivery-allowed days, unchecked boxes means no
delivery days.
3. Setting Start/End Time
Select the Delivery Slots Start At (the time you can start delivering customers' orders) and Delivery Slots End At (the latest time you can deliver customers' orders) to specify the delivery timings.
4. Setting Interval in Minutes
Set the timing intervals for your customers to select during checkout.
E.g. If the timing interval is set as 60 minutes, the slots will be as
follows: 11:00AM - 12:00PM, 12:00PM - 01:00PM, 01:00PM - 02:00PM, etc.
5. Setting Maximum Orders per Interval
Set the maximum number of orders allowed for each time interval set.
E.g. If interval = 60 minutes and maximum orders = 10 orders, for every 60 minutes, your store will only accept a maximum of 10 orders.
6. Setting Food Preparation Time/Lead Time
Set the time needed for your store to prepare the order before your customers can pick up their items. (NOTE: 1 Day = 24 Hours)
E.g. E.g. If lead time = 1 hour 30 mins, and the slot interval = 30 mins, the customer will have to place the order by 9:00 AM for a delivery at 10:30 AM.
7. Setting Cut-off Time
Click Enable to set a time for the last order to be accepted during that delivery time slot.
📌 To set separate lunch and dinner pick-up slots, add more than one Delivery timing
Click Disable if there is no need for the last order timing.
8. Click Save once you have made all the changes.
Have more questions? Contact our Support Team at [email protected] or chat with us by clicking on the Speech Bubble at the bottom-right corner of the page.