In the event that you would like to change your password, or have forgotten your account's password, you may reset them by referring to the following instructions.
In this article:
Changing passwords
1. To change your Oddle account password, from the main dashboard, go to Account
And click Employees
2. Search for the employee's name and click on the three-button icon.
3. Click Reset Password
4. A notification in green will show at the bottom advising that the Reset Password instructions have been sent to the email address.
5. An email will be sent to you. Click the link.
6. Enter your new password in both fields.
7. Click Reset.
You can now sign in with your new password.
Forget Password
1. In the event that you forget your Oddle password, click the Forget Password button.
2. It will ask you to input your email address and click Reset Password
A notification will show advising that the confirmation email has been sent already to your email address.
3. Check your email to view the link to reset your password. Click the link.
3. Enter your new password in both fields.
4. Click Reset.
You can now sign in to Oddle with your new password.
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